Creation Evidences
Now more than any other time in history we have an abundance
of scientific evidence regarding the creation of earth. This page
was designed to provide some links to very interesting
information on creation, evolution and the validity of the Bible.

Creation Vs Evolution
Is The Bible Credible?
Other Creation
Related Internet Sites

- Complete
List of Creationism Internet Sites is continuously
working to provide the complete list of Creationism
internet sites. They also provide a comprehensive list of
facilities and resources for Christians on the Internet.
- Creation
Science home page. Here you will find many resources
related to the study of origins and science from a
creationist perspective.
- Reasons To Believe
- "Recent breakthrough discoveries in the sciences
have virtually sealed the scientific case for the God of
the Bible. Reasons to Believe exists to communicate this
new evidence as widely as possible."

- More Info about this site or
to send comments.